Getting Ready for Ag Day next term..

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Our school is beginning to look a little like a farmyard this time of year. Many of us have beautiful baby lambs who have to be bottle fed and trained before Ag Day,so most of our lunch time is taken up by feeding, then leading our lambs. Luckily Craig built us a really sturdy pen to keep our lambs happy and safe while we are in class. Some of our lambs are so good, that they even follow without a lead. At the moment, all our lambs are small and cute…but with all the feeding,they will be quite a lot bigger by Ag Day, so hopefully our training will have paid off by then! It is going to be quite competitive this year and I can’t wait to see what the judges think…

PREP trade fair

We have been busy working in our business groups making products to display at our Trade Fair afternoon. The purpose of the Trade Fair was to invite prospective customers to give feedback on quality or price and to place orders for Market Day at the end of the term. It was a very successful afternoon and it has given us all SO much to do before Market Day. This is when being RESILIENT and RESOURCEFUL really counts! Now we will just have to wait and see which business takes out the top title at the business awards…

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Self portraits

We have been looking at how we can use line and shading to create form. We used small mirrors to look closely at our faces and created these really accurate self portraits!

Lunch time – Response writing.

The Slimy Earthworm By Abby Gow

Today Ranea,Ellie and Abby were playing on the field when they found a huge, fat  earthworm. “Ha! that’s strange,” said Ranea. “And odd!” added Abby. “Hey, let’s make it a home,” said Ellie. So together they made a wonderful little home inside a jar. “Don’t forget it needs lots of dirt!” said Abby. So they added more dirt and watched as their new friend burrowed beneath the soil.

Jax, Jordy and the Dinosaur  By Jordan Toy

One lunch time Jax came up with an idea ” Lets make a dinosaur! ” We ran to the sand pit as fast as lightning. The big build started. It went on and on and on. Finally it was done, but then something bad happened… the wind started blowing which made Rohan run…He  started running and running, he trotted over it 4 times! We got back to work and made it better….Odette came over to take a photo of our creation. But then the wind started blowing again and Rohan started running again and ran over it again!!! But we were resilient so we got back to work and built it again…  this time even better! We stood back to admire our dinosaur when suddenly Kael ran over the whole thing! Just as well it was the end of lunch time, so that is the story of Jax, Jordy and the dinosaur.

Monkey Bar Fun By Amelia Wilshier

“Oo look at us” called Milly and Ruby. They were hanging upside down from the monkey bars. “This is scary.” said Ruby as Odette came to take a photo of them. Straight after the photo they hopped off and rushed over to the climbing wall. Ruby was really good at this. “Can you teach me how to climb to the top?” Milly asked. Ruby said yes and began to tell Milly what to do. “This is hard, but I’m going to keep trying” said Milly. “Good” called Ruby.  “I’ve got it!” Milly shouted, “How about we try coming down?” So they did and ended up having a really busy lunch time.

Anzac Study

As part of our study about Anzac Day, we decided to bake Anzac biscuits using the same recipe that would have been used during the war. Mawera came to school to share her baking skills. We carefully followed the recipe and were impressed when only 20 minutes later we were all munching on the finished product!

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Water restriction Day

As part of our hook in to the topic – What is the value of water? We held a school wide water restriction day. Water was left in a barrel and rationed out only twice in the day(200ml each). We had to collect water from another barrel for hand washing and toilet flushing…and it was a particularly hot and physically busy day. We were all left VERY grumpy and not very receptive to learning by lunch time…the day certainly made us value water!